Nutrient Assessment and Reduction Plan

The Lower DuPage River Watershed Coalition worked with the DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup to develop a joint Nutrient Implementation Plan (also referred to as a Nutrient Assessment and Reduction Plan NARP). This Plan was submitted to the Illinois EPA, on behalf of all Agency Members that operate wastewater treatment plants, on December 28, 2023. A link to the report can be found below. 

The Lower DuPage River Watershed Coalition is working in partnership with the DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup to develop a joint Nutrient Implementation Plan (NIP) for the DuPage River Watershed as described in the NPDES permits of all of our wastewater treatment plants. The NIP is an earlier version of what is now referred to as a Nutrient Assessment and Reduction Plan or NARP.  While the specific requirements of the NIP are slightly less defined than the NARP, the intention of LDRWC & DRSCW will be to meet the broader goals of a NARP. The final plan is due to Illinois EPA by December 31, 2023 

The plan that is under development will be comprised of several components to be able to address both point and nonpoint sources of nutrients. Some of the work underway includes: 

  • How to use outputs from the Integrated Prioritization System Model to develop targets for phosphorus 
  • The development of a QUAL2Kw model for the Lower DuPage River to assist with testing out phosphorus targets and flow regimes related to potential stream restoration projects 
  • A street sweeping and leaf collection survey and analysis to assess nonpoint source reductions currently being made with these practices and how modifications to these practices might help to maximize phosphorus reductions, particularly in the fall. 
  • Continued expansion of outreach efforts to inform residents on things they can do to reduce impacts from excess nutrients from their properties 

Recommendations made through this plan will be utilized by the Illinois EPA and incorporated into future NPDES (wastewater) and MS4 (stormwater) permits. 
