Our Work

The Lower DuPage River Watershed Coalition is focused on four main project areas – the Bioassessment Monitoring Program, the development of the Nutrient Assessment and Reduction Plan, implementing Restoration Projects and Watershed Outreach.

Staff also provides assistance with NPDES permit renewals and discussions with Illinois EPA, presentations to boards and answering questions related to program or permit requirements. Below is a short description of each program area, click on the links at the bottom for more detailed information about each program. 

Work Areas

The Bioassessment Monitoring Program provides the science and data driven backbone to our other programs.

The Identification & Prioritization System Model provides a restorability measure that indicates the relative difficulty or ease of restoring a segment of stream.

Restoration Projects are designed to improve aquatic life scores in our streams. 

The Nutrient Assessment and Reduction Plan will outline action items and timelines to address nutrient related impairments. 

Coalition Annual Reports and Bioassessment Reports

Watershed Outreach Program provides materials to members to share with residents.