Why Stream Restoration Matters: Reviving Our Local Waterways
Discover how stream restoration techniques create healthier, more resilient waterways in our local communities.
Conserving and enhancing the rivers and streams that flow through our communities.
Learn the many features of our watershed, including what lives in our rivers and streams, and what you can do to protect it.
Having accurate data on water quality and aquatic life is necessary for planning projects that have the most impact.
Everything we do across the landscape has an impact on local water quality. It is up to us to find ways to lessen the negative impacts where we can.
Discover how stream restoration techniques create healthier, more resilient waterways in our local communities.
Learn how excess nutrients impact river ecosystems and discover actionable ways to help prevent water pollution and protect aquatic life.
The round goby is an invasive fish that’s rapidly spreading through Illinois waterways. Anglers can take action to protect local streams.