Chloride TLWQS

Chloride Committee

To achieve the goals of the watershed-based TLWQS for Chloride, LDWG and the Chicago Area Waterways Chloride Workgroup (CAWCW) will hold joint meetings to discuss meeting TLWQS requirements and will work together to host Mentoring Sessions and Workshops. Please contact Jennifer Hammer to be added to the email list for these meetings.


The LDWG & CAWCW have worked together to develop templates for the Pollutant Minimization Plans (PMPs), Documentation and Annual Report. These templates have directions for staff responsible for completing these reports, spaces for members to insert permittee specific language and examples of text. A couple of tips – rename the file with your organization name and permit number included, delete any of the instruction comments and save as a PDF document before submitting to Illinois EPA. Please also include LDWG staff on your submission email so we have a copy of your reports to post to the website. Please feel free to contact Jennifer Hammer with any questions.


MS4, CSO, POTW, Industrial Annual Report:


Salt Storage Facility Annual Report:


Pollutant Minimization Plans:



Support Documents

Reports by Organization

As outlined in the Illinois Pollution Control Board Order, PMPs and Annual Reports need to be made available to the public. Annual Reports are due each July 1 starting in 2023.

Joint Workgroup Status Report

Chloride Monitoring Data Summary